Alejandro Acin The Rest is History

Alejandro Acin The Rest is History ICVL Studio and supported by Sala Kursala Programa Cultural   The machinations of history are in constant flexes of exchange. They are impermanent, their concept a flux, or are often a mess of contradictions. We are taught history as if it were permanent, an established and often binary set of […]

Julieta Averbuj El Juego de la Madalena

  ” I once wrote an article that attempted, through literary aspirations, to tie our willingness to utilize memory with gaming and strategic and beneficial outcomes. The simple idea outlined in the writing was that when something is at stake, our memory functions on a high level. When we are asked for something specific, where […]

Luis Baylón Madrid en plata

    Luis Baylón or simply Baylón is a Madrid-based photographer who works on the streets of Spain’s capital, sculpting images from the thousands of possibilities in front of his lens on his daily walks through the city. The images, in their minimal and contrasty monochrome palette, feature a number of different possibilities from which […]

The Intimate Paths of History: Raquel Bravo’s Mato Grosso

Geographies, histories, feelings, and representations are often interwoven in narrative tapestries, though the patterns created by their threads don’t always yield a unifying image. Raquel Bravo’s Mato Grosso opens with a man’s silhouette, the artist’s father, followed by several shots of dense foliage. How this man’s story relates to these landscapes will slowly unravel through […]

Jon Cazenave Galerna

I don’t know if I believe that photography can define a people or a nation adequately, so I surmise that its best course of action is to speak about these topics in metaphor as if an attempt at truth will not be tolerated by observers from a secondhand accounting. It seems as though a majority […]

Alex Llovet’s The Escape Velocity

““Everything tries to escape from that which determines its freedom”   Escape velocity is in scientific terms, according to the grand doyen (cough, cough) of free knowledge Wikpedia “the minimum speed needed for a free, non-propelled object to escape from the gravitational influence of a massive body, that is, to achieve an infinite distance from […]