Nico Krijno: Enemy of Convention Unseen 2015

“The enemy of photography is the convention, the fixed rules of ‘how to do.’ The salvation of photography comes from the experiment”. 1947, László Moholy-Nagy Nico Krijno at Unseen 2015 with The Ravestijn Gallery, Booth 51 Nico Krijno is South African artist whose works inspire a certain aptitude for the photographic medium where color, form, […]

An Interview With Brett Rogers of The Photographers Gallery @ Unseen

“I agree that London and Amsterdam are significant players – along with Paris – within the European photography scene. I feel that right now Amsterdam and London are edgier though than Paris – in the way they engage with photography presenting on the whole a less canonical approach to the medium.”   An Interview With […]

Forever Lost in Transit: Piotr Zbierski @ Unseen

“For me photography is an intimate medium. It helps expressing myself but after all, it allows me to be closer to life and people, to look straight into their eyes.” By Karin Bareman, ASX, September 2015 The sun blazing into the frame, the boy lying on the blanket in the grass, the girl showering after […]

An Interview with Kehrer Gallery @ Unseen

”A book and a space are two different media, or in other words: display cases. Thinking about the gallery program for us means thinking about showing substantial art in a space in order to meet the constant challenge of making good exhibitions”. An Interview with Kehrer Gallery @ Unseen By Brad Feuerhelm BF: Kehrer Gallery […]

Beni Bischof @ Unseen: “Try Out Something Today”

“Every media has its own effect and fascination” Beni Bischof’s a product of his generation. His artistic output seems to make peace with being raised in the 70s and 80s. There is a consumptive pattern of material use. Absurd images of advertising enabled by an errant hot dog here and there and the drip of […]

An Interview with Marloes Krijnen of FOAM @ Unseen

”Over the years we have seen an amazing interest in this work and we have had a great response towards our courses and the subject of collecting photography. This, including the fact that we didn’t really see any comparable initiatives, was one of the main factors that lead to the foundation of Unseen”. Brad Feuerhelm […]

Thomas Albdorf: The Non-Alpinist @ Unseen

 “I normally start with a rather specific set of ideas for images in mind; named set originates in sketches and research I normally engage in for some time, maybe months, before starting to even make or use photographic imagery.”   Thomas Albdorf‘s main interest focuses on photography and sculpture – in particular, the intersection area […]

Interview with Jaspar Bode from The Ravestijn Gallery @ Unseen

”We have seen a lot of photography and this develops one’s interests and it influences your taste. Besides representing the more traditional photography we are always looking for that one artist that surpasses the boundaries of the traditional”. The Ravestijn Gallery Interview with Jaspar Bode @ Unseen by Brad Feuerhelm The Ravestijn Gallery was founded […]

An Interview with Daniel Shea @ Unseen- “The Elasticity of Photography”

”I think I used to distrust these established conventions for understanding photographic-ness, but I really think that most artists aren’t really interested in pushing against them, because the myths have been long debunked. I think it’s more useful to think about photography’s elasticity, or as an example, its relationship to moving images”. Brad Feuerhelm with […]

Akiko Takizawa @ Unseen: “Nocturnal Grievance”

Knowing that she was about to die, my aunt said that she would have less regret about leaving this world if she knew she could still send letters.   There was a certain burden of hearing the small metal chain swing against the glass casing of the light bulb’s pulsating dissonance. Clink, clink, the third […]

#UnseenASX – Emilia van Lynden Speaks about Unseen From the Inside

”Not only was it our goal to show the newest developments taking place within photography but from the beginning we also wanted to show the accessibility of photography for a younger audience”. Unseen, the international photography fair and festival focused on new photography, will take place from the 18th to the 20th of September 2015 […]