Everything is Sacred – An Interview with Bruce Davidson (2006)

“For me, everything is sacred, whether I’m photographing a human being or a statue or the good earth. It’s sacred, I absorb it. I want to absorb it.”   Interview with Bruce Davidson, The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU/Chicago), November, 2006 Q: You’re on the streets of Chicago, wandering into Pentecostal churches, how did that initial […]

‘The’ American Photographer – William Klein (2003)

William Klein is an American photographer. One is tempted to say that he is the American photographer   By Anthony Lane, Excerpt from Nobody’s Perfect: Writings from the New Yorker William Klein is an American photographer. One is tempted to say that he is the American photographer; among his coevals, only Richard Avedon can match […]

HELEN LEVITT: “COLOR” (1971-1981)

Helen Levitt (August 31, 1913 – March 29, 2009) was an American photographer. She was particularly noted for “street photography” around New York City, and has been called “the most celebrated and least known photographer of her time.”   ASX ARTIST CHANNEL: HELEN LEVITT (All images @ and courtesy of Helen Levitt Estate)

DIANE ARBUS: “V&A’s Diane Arbus ‘Revelations’ Q&A” (2005)

This is an abridged transcript of an online chat session, hosted by V&A Photography Curator Martin Barnes, which took place on Friday 21 October 2005. 2005-10-21 13:56:23 VAModerator Welcome to the V&A’s Diane Arbus Revelations chatroom. Photography Curator Martin Barnes is here to answer as many of your questions as he can. 2005-10-21 13:57:42 MartinBarnes […]

Lisette Model: “A History of Street Photography” (2001)

Model saw her subjects as misshapen, almost beastly.   By Joel Meyerowitz and Colin Westerbeck, text excerpt from Bystander: A History of Street Photography, 2001 Another refugee who had to stoop to hustling, scrambling, and scraping by, and ultimately to street photography to support herself, was Lisette Model. Although she came from Vienna, Model had […]

Richard Avedon – ‘Jacob Israel Avedon’ (1974)

Jacob Israel Avedon, father of Richard Avedon, Sarasota, Florida, 1969-1973 We all perform. It’s what we do for each other all the time, deliberately or unintentionally.   By Richard Avedon, July 14, 1974, New York City, Originally Published in Camera Magazine, November, 1974 A photographic portrait is a picture of someone who knows he’s being photographed, […]

William Klein: “Life is Good & Good for You in New York” (2010)

 Everything about him suggests an anarchic temperament, capable of playing any worldly system to the hilt and then throwing away its benefits.   Brought to ASX by Errata Editions. Full essay included in Books on Books #5 William Klein: Life is Good…New York! By Max Kozloff, Excerpt from William Klein and the Radioactive Fifties, originally appeared […]

Richard Avedon’s ‘In the American West’

For Avedon’s program is supraindividual. He wants to portray the whole American West as a blighted culture that spews out casualties by the bucket: misfits, drifters, degenerates, crackups, and prisoners-entrapped, either literally or by debasing work. Richard Avedon’s “In the American West” By Max Kozloff “Sometimes I think all my pictures are just pictures of […]