Tomaso Clavarino Padanistan

The full 2100 Word essay with 11 photographs on Tomaso Clavarino‘s Padanistan published by Studio Faganel and Guest Editions can be found here. Thank you for your support. Summary Text below     “My suggestion is that this is a vital book. I am not sure if it is a bit regional in scope. One […]

Luigi Ghirri: Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti

  One of the enduring traits found in the photography of Luigi Ghirri is the way in which the artist played with the camera and the optical alignment of photographic images. His quest for optical games, shooting from behind the corner or through the veil as it were created a dialogue in photography that at […]

Fernweh: An Interview with Teju Cole

“I proceed in conversation with the camera, with other photographs, with other photographers, I forget about what writing can do, I think about what photography can do.”

Federico Clavarino Interview: Hereafter, Escaping Nihilism

  Editor’s Note, This interview was conducted over the period of months. Federico and I would ping pong ideas back and forth. Being a busy artist, Clavarino had already moved into several different territories from my principal point of trying to tackle Hereafter, his great opus about power, family, archive and how history is activated […]

Luigi Ghirri: ‘Kodachrome’ (2013)

Egmond am Zee, 1973     Despite exposure in Europe during his lifetime, Ghirri remained relatively unknown outside of Italy. More than a decade after his death in 1992, galleries throughout Europe presented his work, and Aperture published his first monograph in English. By Allie Haeusslein, Associate Director at Pier 24 Photography, June 2013 The […]

Luigi Ghirri – “Pensare per immagini” (Italian) (2013)

“Taking pictures, to me, is like looking at the world in a state of adolescence, renewing my stupor on a daily basis, a practice that reverses the motto of Ecclesiastes: nothing new under the sun. Photography seems to remind us that ‘there is nothing old under the sun’”. Luigi Ghirri MAXXI, 24 April — 27 […]


    Luigi Ghirri (1943 – 1992) was an Italian photographer who, beginning in the 1970s, produced pioneering color photographs of landscape and architecture within the context of conceptual art.   (All rights reserved. Images @ the Estate of Luigi Ghirri.)

Petite and Magical, Luigi Ghirri’s: ‘Kodachrome’

For Ghirri, the world was a labyrinth and making pictures was a means of “tell[ing] the real identity of man, of things, of life, from the image of man, of things of life.”   By Vladimir Gintoff, ASX NYC, March 2013 In 1935 Eastman Kodak introduced Kodachrome. A film stock praised for its idiosyncratic, hyper-saturated, […]