Forever Lost in Transit: Piotr Zbierski @ Unseen

“For me photography is an intimate medium. It helps expressing myself but after all, it allows me to be closer to life and people, to look straight into their eyes.” By Karin Bareman, ASX, September 2015 The sun blazing into the frame, the boy lying on the blanket in the grass, the girl showering after […]

A ‘Real Page Turner’ in this LA Fiction: Philip Brookman’s ‘Redlands’

It is a description that I would not normally associate with photography books, but Philip Brookman’s Redlands is a real page turner.   By Karin Bareman, ASX, July 2015 It is a description that I would not normally associate with photography books, but Philip Brookman’s Redlands is a real page turner. Within minutes I was […]

INTERVIEW: “Just Float. A Conversation with Mayumi Hosokura”

from KAZAN @ Mayumi Hosokura Just float. A conversation with Mayumi Hosokura By Karin Bareman A young woman sniffles and wipes her nose with her hand. The gesture is utterly disarming. It makes her look so young, so vulnerable. But what on earth is she doing out there? Has she injured herself by moving through […]