Publishers Be Honest. You Don’t Really Want Criticism.

  The first part of Jörg’s post that needs immediate attention is the following: his response to the broad claims made between the journal questions and the survey responses indicates a lack of serious criticism. I might address that I felt several publisher responses, from my end, were quite diplomatic in their answers. There was […]

Jörg Colberg Vaterland As Then, Now

“It has learned that outward and visceral signs of its existence only lead to its questioning of intent early on; its oft-espoused will thus deposed to the memory of collective trauma…”   Ideology is not always easy to see. We read it through the symbolic order of insignia and perhaps we are able to cull […]

Federico Clavarino Interview: Hereafter, Escaping Nihilism

  Editor’s Note, This interview was conducted over the period of months. Federico and I would ping pong ideas back and forth. Being a busy artist, Clavarino had already moved into several different territories from my principal point of trying to tackle Hereafter, his great opus about power, family, archive and how history is activated […]

Masahisa Fukase: Family Enshrined

  “Times change, we orchestrate ourselves to different locations and yet with nostalgia nothing need be lost. It can be found again. We can consider the death of an idea as being flexible to finality, but that is a different conversation”.     We tend to enshrine people and ideas with a certain sense of […]

American Interiors: This is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile

“American Interiors feels at a quick glance like a foray into a twisted maneuver in which the typological studies of the Bechers have morphed into a Google Dream version of a nightmare that Hunter S. Thompson would have if he were around to see what is happening in the present field of American anthropology.”