Pier Paolo Pasolini: Bodies and Places, Dis-articulation and Distance

“… no matter what conjecture there is about his death on the beach of Ostia under the wheels of his own car, genital’s hammer-smashed and reeking of Vatican gasoline, throat laced with limp skin from broken bone between sand and sea, his light lingers on…” The Films of Pier Paolo Pasolini are without doubt established […]

Trophy Camera: A New Fear of Organizing Principals

“The AI eventually begins making decisions based on the data analyzed and begins to wade through the torrent of images available in its repository selecting successful images for a hierarchy or production and re-distribution of usefulness within the sets of codes previously implied”

Collective Guilt: Amanda Knox’s Hologram of Truth

I watched it all unfold, the tears, the double-play with her boyfriend, ratting his tepid ass out just to get back home to her mother’s loving arms after slitting that poor girl’s throat because she couldn’t handle the fucking or the fucking drugs and I hate her.   The extradition, lies, the privileged little muppet […]