Andy Warhol Interviewed by Bourdon (EXCERPT) (1962)

Dollar Sign, circa 1981   “Am I really doing anything new?”   By Kenneth Goldsmith, Wayne Kostenbaum and Reva Wolf, excerpt from I’ll Be Your Mirror: The Selected Andy Warhol Interviews From an interview with David Bourdon, 1962-63 WARHOL: Am I really doing anything new? BOURDON: You are doing something new in making exclusive use […]

An Interview with Andy Warhol – “Modern Myths” (excerpt) (1981)

Jean-Micheal Basquiat This excerpt is from an interview with Andy Warhol, conducted in Warhol’s Factory in 1981, that was originally published in Arts Magazine (October 1981). Barry Blinderman: As a portraitist, what do you feel is most important to express? Andy Warhol: I always try to make the person look good. It’s easier if you […]

An Interview with Edward Hopper, June 17, 1959

Intermission, 1963 “I believe that the great painters with their intellect as master have attempted to force this unwilling medium of paint and canvas into a record of their emotions.”   Interview with Edward Hopper, Conducted by John Morse, June 17, 1959 The following oral history transcript is the result of a tape-recorded interview with […]