Willem de Kooning – “Fire Damaged Studio Footage” (1966)

“Fire damaged footage of De Kooning in his East Hampton studio mid August of 1966. The history of the footage: De Kooning, was a close friend of mine and of the poet Frank O’Hara. A month before this footage was shot , O’Hara was killed by a car on Fire Island, Me and O’Hara had been working on some new films at the time, and De Kooning was in one as Captian Nemo. I had planned before O’Hara’s death, to get to East Hampton to film De Kooning along with Patsy Southgate and Claire Hooton. All of us were friends, and after i finished shooting what i needed we talked about O;Hara. I shot that also. The sound for the footage was never recovered.”

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