Philip-Lorca diCorcia: Yale Handbook (2008)

W, March #14, 2000 by Philip-Lorca DiCorcia The warp in the fabric of Art History that connects Walker Evans and Kenneth Anger links social consciousness and narcissism, formalism and formlessness, the private and public, the oblique and the blunt, the tried and the true, the here today and the gone tomorrow. Cinnamon and sugary and […]

Photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia Talks (2003)

“I mean I never took photography to be anything that I considered to be truthful.”   Dorian Devens and Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Transcription of a conversation on The Speakeasy,, 2003 Dorian Devens: How did you get started in photography? Philip-Lorca diCorcia: I was a student in an art college and it was more or less […]

Paul Graham – “Photography is Easy, Photography is Difficult” (2009)

“It’s so difficult because it’s everywhere, every place, all the time, even right now. It’s the view of this pen in my hand as I write this, it’s an image of your hands holding this book, Drift your consciousness up and out of this text and see: it’s right there, across the room – there… […]