Nadav Kander: ICON Propaganda TIME

“Images are certainly unavoidable in a future broadcast by terms of repetition over that of substance and acknowledgement in their immediacy of display”

E Pluribus Memum

“We have been sold a pup. The West Wing and similar political utopias have propagated the notion of the dignity of presidential office and of those who hold it. But It is hard to match this benevolent, patrician vision with our sordid reality”

Star Mangled: Interview with Harlan Levey

“The presentation of politics has become pure entertainment; just another unhealthy consumable good and both candidates got chewed up and swallowed that night, which felt very appropriate and was more therapeutic than I would have imagined.”

The Political Image as Embodiment of Cyclical Failure

“The image itself is being hailed as an icon of the current struggle between the American police state and the tremors of their abhorrent measure to kill young black Americans, which is no doubt racially and economically motivated”.