John Maclean: The Agony and Ecstasy of Artistic Influence

“In a sense I was trying to complete a circle: I travelled to the neighbourhoods that had some bearing on the childhood development of my art-heroes and consequently on the art they made as adults, and then I tried to photograph these places through the ‘afterimage’ of the artistic influences these works had imparted on me”

Takahi Homma – Adrift in the City of Superflat (2010)

Adrift in the city of superflat By Marc Feustel, Originally published in FOAM Magazine, brought to ASX by FOAM During the extraordinarily turbulent and dynamic post-war period , Tokyo became a great photographic city: a city with a distinctive, immediately recognizable photographic aesthetic. Just as Paris’s visual identity became intrinsically linked to the humanist photography […]

ASX.TV: Takashi Homma – “Interview” (2009)

60年代〜70年代の日本の写真集史について、ずっと写真のことを考えてきた写真家ホンマタカシさんを取材させて頂きました。 We had a chat with photographer Takashi Homma about Japanese photobooks from the 1960s & 70s.