The Indecisive Moment: Frank, Klein, and ‘Stream-Of-Consciousness’ Photography (2004)

 Half the time the photographers seemed not to have even looked through the camera. Far from seeking the perfect composition, the ‘decisive moment’, their work seemed curiously unfinished. It captured ‘indecisive’ rather than decisive moments.   By Gerry Badger “Frank… and Klein brought to the decade a feeling for its woes which, in retrospect, synthesizes […]

The Muse of Place and Time: An Interview with William Christenberry (2004-2005)

“This is and always will be where my heart is. It is what I care about.”   The Muse of Place and Time: An Interview with William Christenberry This interview is the culmination of numerous conversations between Christenberry and the author from October 2004 through August 2005. By Robert Hirsch RH: Describe your family background […]

William Eggleston: ‘Draft of a Presentation’ (2003)

It’s hard for me to describe the fascination that William Eggleston’s photographs exert on me.   William Eggleston: Draft of a Presentation By Thomas Weski It’s hard for me to describe the fascination that William Eggleston’s photographs exert on me. More than twenty years ago, I bought William Eggleston’s Guide, the catalogue of his solo […]

WILLIAM EGGLESTON: “The Tender-Cruel Camera”

The choice of subject matter seemed to some critics to be totally indiscriminate, as though William Eggleston has applied no criteria at all.   William Eggleston: The Tender-Cruel Camera By Thomas Weski ‘I don’t particularly like what’s around me.’ I said that could be a good reason to take pictures. He said: ‘You know, that’s […]