ASX Interviews Joachim Schmid

“There was a long struggle to establish photography as an art form and that struggle was won. The war is over, photography is acknowledged as an art form. The price the photography world paid for this victory was excluding everything that is not made by artists – ‘That’s actually not photography, that’s not art, it’s […]

Rinko Kawauchi – “Ametsuchi” (2013)

“On the ground of one of the stars among the immense universe, I think of the beginning, The Earth is a mirror to project heaven. Photography captures the mirror. It connects the Earth and heaven. When the darkness reaches at the bottom, the light will arrive.” – Rinko Kawauchi   Rinko Kawauchi – Ametsuchi By Sören Schuhmacher for ASX, September […]

Günter Karl Bose – “PHOTOMATON” (2013)

  By Sören Schuhmacher, ASX Germany, February 2013 “Photomaton – The new artistic portrait” was the slogan which advertised the Photomaton Studios in the late 1920’s. The first machines were set up at public places in several German cities, where a cross-section of society passed by every day. For just one Reichsmark, the currency at […]