Ryan Debolski: Remember My Whatsapp Number Bro

“In contrast to the concrete metaphors in the urban architecture and the materiality of construction, the bodies and flesh of the workers on the beach refer to something humane: of the flesh, tactile and intimate, something that is deeply lacking in these isolated lives.”

Akram Zaatari: Performing the Archive

The digital image is an image file. It has no form and is invisible until it gets interpreted and transformed by software or the internet user. In the process of being made visible it is staged or performed.

Klaus Pichler: This Will Change Your Life Forever Interview

“Nevertheless, the current submission of spirituality under the rules of the capitalist market, forced by an armada of suppliers, is a development, which has he potential to irreversibly transform questions of belief into marketable services and tools.”

Archive of Decline: Social Media Photography in the Anthropocene

“I often ponder where all of these social media images are saved. I wonder if the social media magnates responsible for these sites of convenience have some sort of bunker somewhere, perhaps in a methane crater in Siberia where they store every image that has ever been posted”

E Pluribus Memum

“We have been sold a pup. The West Wing and similar political utopias have propagated the notion of the dignity of presidential office and of those who hold it. But It is hard to match this benevolent, patrician vision with our sordid reality”