Erik Gustafsson This is Farewell

The term family is a loaded concept. It suggests something intimate and forged of a bond that is hard to break though it can be called into question. It never feels like a neutral term. From its earliest days, photography has made use of subjects closest to the operator. Photographing children, partners and  parents is […]

Erik van der Weijde Lithium

  “We do not scream out in apathy. We look and we observe the condition that circulates our everyday. Stoicism is a front. It covers the mechanics of our suffering”     I would assert that some of the strongest works produced in photography are those in which something grave is laid bare and vulnerable […]

Richard Billingham: “Ray’s a Laugh” (2000)

By Doug Rickard, ASX, July 2010 A long time ago, far, far away, in a rainy king-and-queen-filled land, in a colorful little-knick-knack, jigsaw-puzzle, cat-hair-filled, grease-streaked, filthy tiny fishbowl, baby Richie was born. Little Richie came into this lovely rainy little world born to proud parents, the drunk-unemployed-Ray and the devoted-enormous-“big”-Liz Billingham. Soon, little baby brother […]