Interview with Kazuyoshi Usui: Projecting Showa

“These poor cities are nevertheless radiating vivid colours, as if bolstering up daily lives with significant visual appeal. I see their desperation to live, to the point of feeling pains. I find it enormously beautiful.”

Jeffrey Silverthorne: Where Energy Goes @ Unseen

” The overlapping of basic subjects, the presentation of identities and where life/energy goes, is embedded in these content matters which superficially seem to be diverse but are really very intimately related. Life is a multi-faceted coin that we each need to turn in many ways”. Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, September 2015 BF: I have been […]

Jerry Brendt: Scene from 1960’s Boston – ‘The Combat Zone’

                ‘The Combat Zone’ was the name given to the roughest area in Boston at the end of the 1960s, full of violence, sexual exploitation and racial war. In 1967, Harvard University commissioned Jerry Berndt to explore this Boston of shadows and vice. Like a war reporter, the […]

Jan Hoek: The Pattaya Sex Bible and the Asian Rim

Jan Hoek’s “Pattaya Sex Bible” is a quizzically interesting and chapterized set of small books, reminiscent of travel brochures or Asian cuisine menus pushed through letterboxes across Europe every day.

Jean-Christian Bourcart on Camouflage, Voyeurism and Wearing Masks (1999)

      “I got the idea of camouflaging my camera in Frankfurt, where I was shooting an essay on its brothels.”     Interview conducted by Brigitte Ollier (Paris, October 9, 1999) English translation by R. Bononno   Madeleine I got the idea of camouflaging my camera in Frankfurt, where I was shooting an […]

Follow Your Hard-On: An Interview with Scot Sothern (2013)

Follow Your Hard-On: An Interview with Scot Sothern By Paul Kwiatkowski Photographer Scot Sothern’s debut memoir Curb Service empathetically captures the pathos of an aspiring provocateur adrift in contemporary America. Beginning in the 1980s, the book recounts Scot’s initial drive to photograph prostitutes and his path to single fatherhood on the skids. The interactions between […]

E.J. Bellocq: “Storyville – The Red Light District of New Orleans”

First of all, the pictures are unforgettable – photography’s ultimate standard of value.   Introduction text to Bellocq: Photographs from Storyville, the Red-Light District of New Orleans By Susan Sontag First of all, the pictures are unforgettable – photography’s ultimate standard of value. And it’s not hard to see why the trove of glass negatives […]

The Last Days of Ernest J. Bellocq

The Last Days of Ernest J. Bellocq By Rex Rose In the early 1900s, Ernest J. Bellocq carried his 8 x 10-inch view camera across Basin Street to photograph the women of New Orleans’ notorious district of legalized prostitution, Storyville. His private photographic project remained unknown until after his death, but eventually found its way […]