Brassai Interviews Pablo Picasso: An excerpt from ‘Conversations with Picasso’

Girl Before A Mirror by Pablo Picasso “People are always asking me to sign my old canvases. It’s ridiculous!” – Picasso An excerpt from Conversations with Picasso by Brassaï Wednesday 20 October 1943 The table, only yesterday covered with dust, is completely clean. Catalogs, brochures, books, and letters have been carefully dusted and even arranged by size […]

An Interview with Arnold Newman

Arms Dealer Arnold Krupp     By Alexis Anne Clements Alexis Clements: When you prepare for a photo shoot are you more methodical or spontaneous? Arnold Newman: Both of the above. Whenever I want to photograph someone, I read about them. I read biographies. If they are painters or scientists, I know their work. This […]