Shape of Light: One Hundred Years of Zombietude

“While photographic techniques and mysteries are patiently explained, the paintings present are left simply to be. Everywhere one sees photographers paying homage to painters, nowhere the reverse. A fact which speaks inadvertent volumes.”

Lee Friedlander: Photography and the Aesthetics of Abstract Painting (2012)

New York City, 1963. Lee Friedlander (Fig. 2) What I have been trying to argue is not intended as a criticism of Friedlander’s work nor as a challenge to his status within the world of (art) photography. If anything it is a challenge to the ideas that held such sway through the fifties sixties and […]

An Interview with Arnold Newman

Arms Dealer Arnold Krupp     By Alexis Anne Clements Alexis Clements: When you prepare for a photo shoot are you more methodical or spontaneous? Arnold Newman: Both of the above. Whenever I want to photograph someone, I read about them. I read biographies. If they are painters or scientists, I know their work. This […]