About Irving Klaw – “An Interview with Paula Klaw” (1980)

By Gloria Leonard, originally published in High Society,  October 1980 In an exclusive interview with Paula Klaw, Gloria uncovers the fascinating birth of commercial bondage photography in the U.S. The surprising private life of Betty Page, the all-time favorite bondage model, is revealed as well as the story of the government’s relentless efforts to stamp […]

A Conversation with Pierre Verger (1996)

A Conversation with Pierre Verger Interview by Gilberto Gil on February 8, 1996, three days before Verger’s death GG: Hello, maestro! How are you? And how are things going here in the house? PV: Not too bad. GG: Is the entire foundation moved in here? PV: I’m not sure. The books are here, and I […]

Photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia Talks (2003)

“I mean I never took photography to be anything that I considered to be truthful.”   Dorian Devens and Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Transcription of a conversation on The Speakeasy, WFMU.org, 2003 Dorian Devens: How did you get started in photography? Philip-Lorca diCorcia: I was a student in an art college and it was more or less […]

An Interview with Paul Graham

“I have no problem with that. I don’t want to feign being intimate with somebody I meet 5 minutes ago.”   Interview with Richard Woodward, New York City, June 2007 RW: Let’s start with this new book, which is actually a series of books, and work backwards. How did the project originate? PG: Well, my […]