Just Allowing it to Be – A Conversation with Ian North (2012)

Felicia 16 (Goolwa, Fleurieu Peninsula), 1976 Just Allowing it to Be: A Conversation with Ian North1 This is an edited excerpt of a conversation between artist Ian North and curator Pedro de Almeida that was undertaken in North’s studio in Adelaide, Australia in December 2012. The impetus for the meeting was research for a presentation […]

INTERVIEW: “Oral History Interview with Imogen Cunningham – June 9th, 1975”

Oral history interview with Imogen Cunningham, 1975 June 9, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Interview with Imogen Cunningham Conducted by Paul J. Karlstrom and Louise Katzman At the Artist’s home in San Francisco, California June 9, 1975 The following oral history transcript is the result of a tape-recorded interview with Imogen Cunningham on June […]