An Interview with Cristina de Middel (2013)

“My work is more based on sequencing than in experiencing the aesthetics of the images so the book seems to be my perfect solution, plus, it is and object and the possibility of translating a concept or idea into something you can touch, smell, tear apart or archive makes it really interesting and complete.” Brad […]

The Drive to Describe: An Interview with Catherine Opie (2001)

Landscape #3 (Doheny Drive), 1996, from Landscapes The Drive to Describe: An Interview with Catherine Opie Originally published in Art Journal, Summer, 2001 by Maura Reilly Catherine Opie is a social documentary photographer of international renown whose primary artistic concerns are community and identity- gender, sexual, or otherwise. She rose to prominence in the early […]

Why Show It? A Conversation with Christopher Anderson (2012)

From ‘Son’ by Christopher Anderson   “I’ve spent the last fifteen years with the title of ‘War photographer’, going to the other ends of the earth, to photographs stories of other people, looking for photographic intimacy from people that I didn’t know.”   Why show it ? Interview with Christopher Anderson By Baptiste Lignel, December […]

INTERVIEW: “Interview with Camilo Jose Vergara” (2007)

Interview with Camilo Jose Vergara By Jesse Serwer What is it about American cities that draws you to document them versus, say, ghettos in other places like your native Chile? CJV: Here is where I live. I can’t just take the bus and go to Mexico. After a while you become interested in what’s around […]