Jenna Westra Afternoons

    Edward Steichen’s gestural Studies of Isadora Duncan at the Parthenon, Charlotte Rudolph’s studies of German dancers, James Abbe’s still frames of Anna Pavlova, Barabra Morgan’s studies of Martha Graham and her Letter to the World, and a number of other medium-defining images can be accredited to an embrace of the body in movement. […]

INTERVIEW: “Oral History Interview with Imogen Cunningham – June 9th, 1975”

Oral history interview with Imogen Cunningham, 1975 June 9, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Interview with Imogen Cunningham Conducted by Paul J. Karlstrom and Louise Katzman At the Artist’s home in San Francisco, California June 9, 1975 The following oral history transcript is the result of a tape-recorded interview with Imogen Cunningham on June […]