Abbey Meaker Floodplains

  “Throughout Meaker’s book, there is a pervasive sense of an unseen world, a drawing back of the curtain to reveal places that are looked over or are content to sit idyll and unobserved for the sale of their posterity. The artist pivots her camera towards the thicket and stagnant pools of water left behind […]

Gerry Johansson Esker

What looks benign or without consequence can be illusory. What lies below the surface can provide a catalog of answers.     The distant past as a concept is very hard to photograph. In thicket and open clearing, in water and desert, it is difficult to unlock the image of ancient history. We can only […]

A Conversation Between Robert Morat and Matteo Di Giovanni

RM: What is “home“ to you? Maybe also talk about where and how you grew up and where you feel your roots are. MDG: This is a question I’ve been asking myself many times in the last few years and – to be frank – I still don’t have a definitive answer. I’m more prone […]

Photobooks of the Year 2020/Welcome to the Castle

“Earlier this year, there were some high-profile twitterstorms, in which particular left-identifying figures were ‘called out’ and condemned. What these figures had said was sometimes objectionable; but nevertheless, the way in which they were personally vilified and hounded left a horrible residue: the stench of bad conscience and witch-hunting moralism”         This […]

Gerry Johansson- Ehime & Lalendorf und Klaber

    “it is strange for me to consider his efforts as Swedish and yet there is something to the examination of what can only be referred to as the National Camera, implicit in that sentiment are all of the complications of generalizations and archetypes. I am not trying to espouse something concrete, but rather […]

Gerry Johansson’s Meloni Meloni

“Where is “the thing I am not seeing”?”   We’ve become quite accustomed to understanding the importance of photographs based on the frenetic pace that they occupy. Our eyes are expectant. They hover over an image looking at the embedded chaos of news images, photographs of cities, etc. and when they are challenged with a […]

Gerry Johansson – “Deutschland” (2013)

Kommingen, 2007 Gerry Johansson “Deutschland” at Swedish Photography, 2013 By Sören Schuhmacher, ASX Germany, April 2013 In 1993 and 2005 to 2012 Gerry Johansson drove through the German countryside, visiting 176 places like Alt Horsbüll, Gelsenkirchen or Solingen. He divided Germany into nine sectors, which he then traveled systematically. Rather than visiting only major cities, […]