Greetings from Auschwitz: All I Miss is You

Images that travel; images for hire. The postmarking of images. The weathering and creasing defamation, which detracts the value of a post-card is insipid as to its method of its perceived “correct” representation or is it?

Cambodia Genocide – Memories from Tuol Sleng Prison

  The four-year reign of the Khmer Rouge (1975-9) took more than a million lives-10 percent of the Cambodian population, dead from disease, starvation and murder.   Cambodia Genocide: Memories From Tuol Sleng Prison By Peter Maguire, Columbia University Tuol Svay Pray High School sits on a dusty road on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, […]

Tuol Sleng Prison: “Execution Portraits”

  Photographs taken shortly before the execution of prisoners at S-21, also known as Tuol Sleng Prison, during the reign of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. This was Pol Pot’s secret prison, used during his genocidal rule (1975-79). Between 1-2 million Cambodians – and many thousands of foreigners – were starved to death, tortured, or killed, […]

Bill Burke – ‘I Want to Take Picture’ (1987)

  “When I realized that I had access to the camps and could see the Khmer Rouge, it was like being able to see the Devil.”   Excerpt from an interview with Bill Burke by Willis Hartshorn, New York City, June 1987 Bill Burke: Each day, I was thinking about practicality, is my pass in […]

Nagasaki Journey: The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata (1996)

If it is a rarity in our society to experience death in its moment, our mediated selves consume it daily through TV and film. Ever since Viet Nam, our living rooms have been the sites of death and destruction. Nagasaki Journey: The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata By David L. Jacobs, Afterimage, Summer, 1996 Where adults see […]