Jenna Westra Afternoons

    Edward Steichen’s gestural Studies of Isadora Duncan at the Parthenon, Charlotte Rudolph’s studies of German dancers, James Abbe’s still frames of Anna Pavlova, Barabra Morgan’s studies of Martha Graham and her Letter to the World, and a number of other medium-defining images can be accredited to an embrace of the body in movement. […]

Sara Perovic: #My Father’s Legs…

“Once visible and unlocked, they percolate #laying bizarre and metaphorically #fecund vibrating eggs of possibility in the back of the ocular orbit”     I like to think of projects like this as a manual to disarm the author’s hidden obsessions. Once visible and unlocked, they percolate #laying bizarre and metaphorically #fecund vibrating eggs of […]

Margot Wallard’s Natten: The Phoenix Condition

“The phoenix condition is a dilemma that is induced by trauma. The person operating under its influence must find absolute zero in order to rebuild and rejuvenate oneself against the grain that death provides”