Todd Hido: “Ohio” (2009)

From Ohio, 2009  By Doug Rickard The clouds are passing by gently… the pale blue sky smiles because it is summer again and the sun beams its warm rays down into your suburban backyard in the Midwest. You’re standing there looking at the white house next door and the curtains are closed. The dry weeds sting […]

Tony Ray-Jones: Photographs of America and England (1968)

  Originally Published in Creative Camera, Issue 52, October 1968 In an era of pop commerce, and out of the gimmick-ridden world of lucrative non-art, it is refreshing to discover a photographer who – by-passing the slick ploy of self-conscious fashion cult – has an eye for What Is. His hand does not finger the […]

A Portrait of Takuma Nakahira (2005)

By Masashi Kohara Who is Takuma Nakahira? A photographer of the bure, boke1 style. A member of the Provoke group. An essayist and photography critic, a political activist, a photographer who talked too much, a photographer who lost his memory, a photographer who forgot his mother tongue, a legend… Takuma Nakahira, who influenced many photographers […]

TODD HIDO: “Two Way Street”

By Doug Rickard, ASX, August 2009 Todd Hido’s new and unpublished work walks a fine line, a line that exists in the viewer rather than Todd. The work seems to come into existence through the eye’s of a smeared-single-pane-window voyeurish fog. It is the adult-white-male fog of childhood memories, and the mental hot-iron-branding of broken […]

TONY STAMOLIS: “Frezno” (2008)

 FREZNO IS WACK.   By Doug Rickard, for ASX, 2008 Take a fast-drive into a cement wall… broken AC / sweat stained moustache drippin’ – ugly streets& stupid palm trees standin’ in a row tellin’ you to run away from here!  Dirt in your ratty hair – Mexican blood on your vinyl seat –broken glass […]