The Last Days of Ernest J. Bellocq

The Last Days of Ernest J. Bellocq By Rex Rose In the early 1900s, Ernest J. Bellocq carried his 8 x 10-inch view camera across Basin Street to photograph the women of New Orleans’ notorious district of legalized prostitution, Storyville. His private photographic project remained unknown until after his death, but eventually found its way […]

Elad Lassry – “Superficiality and Superexcresence” (2009)

Red Cross, 2008 Los Angeles: Otis College of Art and Design, 2009, pp. 72-75 Elad Lassry approaches photography as if it is intangible, assuming that when broken into parts, the medium can productively turn in on itself. Lassry brings curiosity and intellect to “looking” and to the appropriation of existing images, displaying an unusually subtle […]

STIEGLITZ & STEICHEN: “Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen’s Legacy” (2001)

The Family of Stieglitz and Steichen – Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen’s Legacy By Jonathan Weinberg, Art in America, September 2001 Exhibitions in New York and Washington recently presented the intertwined and contentious histories of two emblematic figures of 20th-century American modernism. One night in late May 1914, Alfred Stieglitz began to muse about the […]