2019: A Short Guide To White People & Their Photography Books

It was the best of years….   Once again it is that time of year where I try to drum up some sort of edit from all of the incredible work the photography book world offers up. This year is difficult as I felt it has been one of the strongest years in recent memory […]

American Interiors: This is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile

“American Interiors feels at a quick glance like a foray into a twisted maneuver in which the typological studies of the Bechers have morphed into a Google Dream version of a nightmare that Hunter S. Thompson would have if he were around to see what is happening in the present field of American anthropology.”

Mimi Mollica Interview: Sicily’s Seamless Elasticity

“Religions in general, are indeed a great example how power is (ab)used over people for the elite to keep the desired order on society. It’s not a case that Mafia has a strong association with religious narratives and its very ritual of association includes religious references throughout”