The Last Picture-Photography and Death Interview C/O Berlin

“The other reason is the question of memory – in line with the invention of the medium, mass images of the dead emerged in the second half of the 19th century. A fashion wave that is not only reserved for the nobility and clergy, but also for simple people, in order to have a portrait, a memory picture of someone at all”. -Felix Hoffman

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Bodies and Places, Dis-articulation and Distance

“… no matter what conjecture there is about his death on the beach of Ostia under the wheels of his own car, genital’s hammer-smashed and reeking of Vatican gasoline, throat laced with limp skin from broken bone between sand and sea, his light lingers on…” The Films of Pier Paolo Pasolini are without doubt established […]

Margot Wallard’s Natten: The Phoenix Condition

“The phoenix condition is a dilemma that is induced by trauma. The person operating under its influence must find absolute zero in order to rebuild and rejuvenate oneself against the grain that death provides”

Cucurrucucu: Considering the Crime

“Perhaps it is a fantasy that one could wield power over the representation of death by its abstracted nature? Is this not a dangerous game to play god over the image of death?”

An Interview with Goran Bertok: Dead Meat, Bright Lights

“There is a relevant question: can I learn anything from a dead body, from a corpse without a name and history? It is only a dead piece of meat that has a certain shape but it has no story. So I document dead piece of meat, indeed”. An Interview with Goran Bertok, by Brad Feuerhelm […]

Jeffrey Silverthorne: Where Energy Goes @ Unseen

” The overlapping of basic subjects, the presentation of identities and where life/energy goes, is embedded in these content matters which superficially seem to be diverse but are really very intimately related. Life is a multi-faceted coin that we each need to turn in many ways”. Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, September 2015 BF: I have been […]