Jardín de Mi Padre: An Interview with Luis Carlos Tovar

The photograph on the cover of Jardín de mi padre (My Father’s Garden, 2020) shows Luis Carlos Tovar, carried in his mother’s arms as an infant. On the right side of the image, a man’s arm reaches from outside the frame towards Luis Carlos – his fingers are only a few centimeters away. Time is […]

David Hockney Interview: I Am a Space Freak

“My sister once said to me she thought space was God. I thought that was rather poetic in a way.” Interview with David Hockney about his endeavour to capture Grand Canyon as a spatial experience in a painting. “We like space, I mean, I do, I’m a space freak really.” If a landscape is a […]

David Hockney – “Pearblossom Highway”

Where do artists get their ideas? What is perspective? How can photography be like drawing or painting? David Hockney touches on these and other issues while discussing the making of his photographic collage Pearblossom Hwy in this video.

INTERVIEW: “John Tusa Interviews David Hockney” (2004)

John Tusa Interviews David Hockney As an artist David Hockney is easy to get wrong. For years viewers have responded to the extrovert hedonism of his California pictures, the swimming pools, the sensual lifestyle, the uninhibited colours, the recognisable images. Hockney too has always been recognised as a wonderful draftsman. At a time when some […]