Boris Mikhailov – A Way Out (2017)

Boris Mikhailov was born in Kharkov, Ukraine and came to prominence in the 1990s. His work often focuses on the politics of everyday life during the Soviet era and its aftermath. In Red 1968-75, Mikhailov depticts life in and around Kharkov, using the colour red as a symbolic reminder of the inescapable presence of the […]

Ivars Gravlejs ‘Early Works’ : A Sustainable Auto-Infanticide

What once was is now that of accouterments of a lifetime wasted in the stable of senseless mediocrity. I type trying bitterly (perhaps) to formulate the playful hypocrisies of a commanding youthful idiocy into a bittersweet doctrine of sustainable return for the elderly elite deprived of the inconsistent economy of childhoods that have been forgotten. […]

Boris Mikhailov: “A New Metaphysician”

From Case History, 1999 Boris Mikhailov: A New Metaphysician By Helen Petrovsky If we were to define photography today, we would have to posit its essential anonymity. To be more precise, we would have to rethink the very conditions of its theorizing: it is no longer “my” photograph that has to be redeemed by being […]

Boris Mikhailov – A Terrible Beauty

 What does it say about us who look at them?   A Terrible Beauty By Sue Hubbard Boris Mikhailov is sixty-three, has dyed black hair, a white moustache and a young wife. Born in Kharkov in the Ukraine, he has recently exhibited at The Photographers’ Gallery, just been awarded the Citibank Photography Prize and is […]