Jet Swan Material

  I have been thinking about Jet Swan’s book Material for the past week. This is a fortunate sign. It marks it as one of those books that float across my desk that at first glance I feel some sympathy with, not total, but then it, or the images inside of it, burrow into my […]

Bill Henson – Sic Transit

Synaesthesia is a condition present in between 2 and 4% of the world’s population. Its literal translation is “joining of the senses” and this is exactly what it means – the combination of visual cues with, for instance, auditory or olfactory sensation. Some people would see the number 4 as always green, no matter the […]

Massimo Leardini’s Elv: Limbs Both Human and Other

  “Her one arm is half-raised above the parapet of the water’s edge all soft and white-gone from the limb its rose pigment associated with the flourish of life”   Her one arm is half-raised above the parapet of the water’s edge all soft and white-gone from the limb its rose pigment associated with the […]

Dreamscapes and Sensory Experience – An Interview with Bill Henson (2015)

“It was the dreamscape of the suburbs that interested me.”   An Interview with Bill Henson by Sabine Mirlesse Sabine Mirlesse: 1985 is work you shot thirty years ago – what were you doing in Egypt? Bill Henson: As a boy I was obsessed with Egypt and Egyptology. I’m convinced it’s not that uncommon. A […]