Diane Arbus – Flirt, Flash & Mirror (2013)

Diane Arbus at “Love-In,” Central Park, New York 1969 @ The Estate of Garry Winogrand   Arbus hunts out forms that can be judged as impure, hidden from the view of everyday onlookers. Whilst transsexuals, tattoos and prostitutes are now very much part of the “Official Institution of the Conventional Archetype of the Bizarre”, there […]

walker evans

Walker Evans: “Message from the Interior”

  Evans’ interiors function like landscapes that open up towards other worlds, largely through the particular attention that he pays to the inanimate objects that are present, almost representing them as characters themselves.   Ghost is Guest By Anna Solal, Translated from French by Chris Farmer and Florian Aimard The book’s title – Message from […]

JACOB HOLDT: “Misery and Love” (French)

By Anna Solal Jacobs Holdt a été vagabond pendant cinq ans, c’est aujourd’hui un photographe danois un peu fou et fasciné par la généalogie, prêcheur contre le racisme. Il semble, ce qui est un peu absurde, ne pas encore avoir fait l’objet d’exposition. Crues et tendres, ses photographies nous font pénétrer dans les coulisses de […]