Robin Graubard Road To Nowhere

Review Excerpt Graubard’s Road to Nowhere is a mercurial title. Published by Loose Joints, the last home of which I might expect to find a book on civil war and discontent to be published, the work reflects neither a war book nor a specific Aftermath book. Aftermath or post-event photography is a genre that looks […]

Abbey Meaker Floodplains

  “Throughout Meaker’s book, there is a pervasive sense of an unseen world, a drawing back of the curtain to reveal places that are looked over or are content to sit idyll and unobserved for the sale of their posterity. The artist pivots her camera towards the thicket and stagnant pools of water left behind […]

Mimi Plumb The Golden City

  We have yet to reconcile the deep chasm of exchange in the American order during the fateful summer and winter of 1969. During the rightfully dubbed Summer of Hate, the Manson Family murders shook the very bedrock of the American free lovin’ psyche. The significance of the murders ended the free wheelin’ summer of […]

Lee Friedlander Fundación MAPFRE

There isn’t much more that can be said regarding the importance of Friedlander’s work on the psyche of subsequent generations of photographic enthusiasts and artists alike. From his self-portraits to his Little Screens, Friedlander’s work is simultaneously charged with an inner and external pathos that presents both as a partial reflection of the artist’s psyche […]