AM Projects & Akina: BKK Experimental

“I went with Laura looking for gay go-go bars and assisting her to shoot in brothels and demolished hotels, I shot with Daisuke in backstreets at night (he was photographing with some weird infrared hunting device) while Hiroshi was using a document hand-scanner to capture surfaces and the intricacy of bed-sheets, lingerie and curtains, later on we found out he also scanned bodies. I spent the nights with Olivier wandering the dark corners of Chinatown.”

Ken Schles on ‘Invisible City’ and ‘Night Walk’

“For generations the Lower East Side was a churning cauldron of activity. Site of immigrants (my own family passed through there more than a century ago), it already had a long history of renewal and decay.”   Alex Bocchetto of Akina Books Interviews Ken Schles   Alex Bocchetto: With Invisible City you narrated New York’s […]