Elly Rwakoma: Sinking All the Tricks.

“He recalls developing his negatives by moonlight, having to make his way to the ferry on a road thick with often-time un-negotiable elephant herds. He tells of carrying his chemicals with him and cutting down his negatives to get a surplus of possibilities. I never had this.”

I have Come to Disappoint You: Michele Sibiloni’s “Fuck It”

@ Michele Sibiloni Its tick-box approach to images, the title, the cover, the text within capitalize on the “rough” Ugandan nightlife and seems very much directed at a Deutsche Bourse Prize/ Magnum/ Western White latte audience.   I usually start most of my reviews with a literary metaphor. I feel to do so is to […]

Montauk, Andy Warhol and His Fascinating Neighbor Peter Beard

I’ll Write Whenever I Can, Koobi Fora, Lake Rudolf, 1965 @ Peter Beard Andy described him as – “one of the most fascinating men in the world …… he’s like a modern Tarzan. He jumps in and out of the snake pit he keeps at his home. He cuts himself and paints with the blood. […]

Jean Depara: “Kinshasa” (1951-1975)

  Lemvo Jean Abou Bakar Depara, known as Depara (1928–1997), was an Angolan-born photographer who worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Depara purchased his first video camera to record his wedding in 1950; four years later, he was made official photographer to the Zairian singer Franco. In 1975 he became official photographer to the […]

David Goldblatt: “Particulars” (1975)

“I seem to have an innate propensity which has been fed by life experiences and heightened by the kind of hyper-awareness that photography sometimes enables and demands…”   “My first awareness of a bodily particular that I can recall was of the bulges made by the flattened flesh of my inner thighs as I sat […]

An Interview with Cristina de Middel (2013)

“My work is more based on sequencing than in experiencing the aesthetics of the images so the book seems to be my perfect solution, plus, it is and object and the possibility of translating a concept or idea into something you can touch, smell, tear apart or archive makes it really interesting and complete.” Brad […]

Apartheid, White Society and Photography – David Goldblatt is Interviewed at Arles (2006)

Farmer’s Son with his Nursemaid. Marico Bushveld, December 1964, 1964 “During the years of apartheid, I was concerned with trying to…with exploring why people valued this peculiar and evil system and how they expressed those values in their homes, in themselves, in their bodies, in the things that they built.” Interview conducted by Laetitia Martinez, […]